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Supporting Arts & Cultural Destinations in Baltimore

The Baltimore City Arts & Cultural Organizations (BCAC) Grant Program provides funding to key Baltimore City organizations that serve the citizens of Howard County.  BCAC grants broaden opportunities for Howard County audiences, artists, and arts organizations and promote regionalism. 


The Walters Arts Museum, BCAC grantee (photo courtesy of the organization)

About BCAC Grants

The Howard County Arts Council developed this program to award funds to Baltimore City organizations that provide significant services to Howard County citizens. While several of the organizations that are eligible for grants in this category are not arts organizations, the same criteria are used to judge their programs and services by substituting cultural or educational merit for artistic merit. At this time, only previous recipients of the Baltimore City Arts & Cultural Grant Program are eligible to apply to this program.

BCAC Grant Application Calendar


Email or contact us by phone Monday-Friday from 9:30am-4:30pm at  (410) 313-2787.