Celebrating the Power of Poetry and the Spoken Word
On October 24, 2023, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball announced the establishment of a Howard County Poet Laureate, to elevate poetry in the consciousness of Howard County residents and to help celebrate the literary arts. The Howard County Arts Council administers this program in partnership with Howard County Poetry & Literature Society (HoCoPoLitSo).
Application Currently Closed

About the Poet Laureate Grant
The Poet Laureate is an honorary two-year position, in service to the community. The Poet Laureate is formally appointed by the County Executive, acting on a recommendation determined through an artistic panel selection process coordinated by HoCoPoLitSo.
During their term, the Poet Laureate will act as an advocate for poetry, literature, and the arts and contribute to Howard County’s poetic and literary legacy through public readings and participation in civic events.
Howard County Poet Laureate Application Calendar
Howard County Poet Laureate Guidelines
Email grantsandprojects@hocoarts.org or contact us by phone Monday – Friday from 9:30am – 4:30pm at (410) 313-2787.