Have Expertise in the Arts and Looking to Give Back? Become a Grant Reviewer!
An independent artistic review panel reviews and evaluates each grant application. The panel is made up of volunteers who have expertise in various arts disciplines. Panelists are required to review grant applications and attend review meetings. Applications for panelists are accepted year-round.
Artistic Review Panel Applications due by March 31, 2025.

Artistic Review Panel
HoCo Arts is seeking panelists to serve on our Artistic Review Panel (ARP). We award nearly $1 million annually in operating and special project grants through several grant programs including Community Arts Development for Howard County arts organizations, Artists-in-Education for Howard County Schools, and Baltimore City Arts & Cultural Organizations for key Baltimore City organizations.
The ARP is a critical part of the grants review process. The ARP reviews and ranks applications and makes funding recommendations to the HoCo Arts on Grants. HoCo Arts strives to develop a panel that is diverse in gender, ethnicity, age, culture, and artistic disciplines. Panel applicants should be reliable with a commitment to the arts and expertise in an artistic discipline, arts administration, or community arts programming. Commitment includes pre-reviewing applications online.
Because of the need to form a well-balanced panel, we may not be able to consider all qualified people who apply.
What to Expect
What We’re Looking For
Panelists Receive
Grant Review Dates
FY25 Artistic Review Panel
Apply to Become a Grant Reviewer