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Don’t Miss the Celebration Raffle!

With nearly 100 donations, the Celebration Raffle offers something for just about everyone! From theatre tickets to restaurant gift cards, the Celebration Raffle highlights arts organizations and local businesses that support the arts in Howard County, and you do not want to miss out on your chance to win.

Raffle donations will be accepted beginning in July. Celebration raffle tickets are $5 each or $20 for 5. You do not need to attend the Celebration or be present to win.

Raffle tickets go on sale August 1, 2025.

Celebration of the Arts 2023 Raffle (HoCo Arts photo)
Smiling women in red dress stands behind table with raffle sign.

Raffle Donors

Current Raffle Donors

Past Raffle Donors

Interested in supporting the Celebration?