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Art Howard County 2021

October 16 – November 27, 2021 | Gallery I

Reception: October 22, 6-8pm

A biennial juried exhibit featuring work by Howard County artists. Artist Freda Lee-McCann was the guest juror for Art Howard County 2021. The exhibit included works in a range of media, including drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, and more.

Art Howard County 2021 (HoCo Arts photo)
Art gallery displays tall skinny black structure to the left, artwork hangs on surrounding walls, blue structure on pedestal towards the back right of the gallery

Art Howard County 2021 Artists

Artists selected for Art Howard County 2021: Trudy Babchak, Cori Bowen, Sarah Brenner, Jonathan Bush, Warren Chambers, Susan Concannon, Caroline Creeden, Patrick Dillon, Kyle Drummond, Diane B. Dunn, Katherine Farrell, Sharon Fuller, Paul Gangemi, Howard Garrett, Kathy Gaudio, Rana Geralis, Jeremy Gibson, Brenda Guardala, Rosemarie Hakim, Douglas Hanewinckel, Daniel Heifetz, Carrie Hill, Donald Hobart, Raissa Howera, Jennifer Hudson, Nishita Jain, Richard Jenkins, Karen Jury, Kwame Kena, Jane Knighton, Charlotte Mann Lee, Ona C. Martin, Bill McCauley, Errol McKinson, Yuriko Mori, Marcia Palmer, Sookkyung Park, Zina Poliszuk, Dave Pumplin, April M. Rimpo, Cynthia Rivarde, Rebecca Rothey, Lisa Scarbath, LiiLii Seniura, Jay Shovan, Joan Tarbell-Plato, Mary Jo Tydlacka, Varada Vaidya, Barbara VanRossum, Siobhan Vicens, Katherine Wah, Karen Winston-Levin, Rebecca Zeligman, and Bonnie Zuckerman.

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