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Art Maryland 2022

December 16 – February 4, 2023 | Gallery I

Reception: January 27, 6 – 8pm

Juried by or Curated by: Schroeder Cherry

A biennial juried exhibit, Art Maryland 2022 is a premier showcase for regional artists. This year’s guest juror was Maryland-based artist and 2019 Sondheim competition finalist Schroeder Cherry, who offered remarks and presented juror awards at the reception on January 27.

Art Maryland 2022 (HoCo Arts photo)
Artwork sat on white podiums throughout the art gallery, artwork hung on rear and right walls, with directional track lighting above and light hardwood flooring.

Art Maryland 2022 Artists

Artists selected for Art Maryland 2022 include: Bethany Douglas, Camellia Blackwell-Taffel, Sabine Carlson, Kathy Daywalt, Diane Dunn, Sharon Emery, Daniel Talib Latif Flounders, Caroline Garzon, Marilyn Gates-Davis, Mary Ellen Geissenhainer, Daniel Horowitz, Jennifer Hudson, G. Jameson, Teresa Jarzynski, Karen Jury, Kwame Kena, Beckie Laughlin, Diane Lorio, George Lorio, Lauren Lyde, Cheryl MacLean, Kevina Maher, Mike McConnell, Dominie Nash, Mead Notkin, Kira Notkin, Mary Opasik, Linda Popp, Dave Pumplin, Kim Rice, Ned Rosinsky, Paula Saneaux, Izya Shlosberg, Julie Simon, Nelson Steele, Tinam Valk, Michelle Venable, Karen Wallace, Jessica Walton, Karen Warshal, Richard Weiblinger, Pamela Wilde, Eileen Williams, Christy Zuccarini, and Bonnie Zuckerman.

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