Youth Art Month 2025
February 14 – March 30, 2025 | Gallery I
An annual exhibit of student artwork in collaboration with Howard County Public School System (HCPSS).
June 19 – August 7, 2021 | Gallery II
Reception: June 18, 6 – 7pm
Juried by or Curated by: Lynn Mehta
Natural Formations featured photographic works by Thomas Pickarski and Peter Stern. Through the medium of photography, these artists capture the ephemeral beauty and abstract forms created by nature.
Want your artwork considered for future exhibits in our galleries? Submit a General Exhibit proposal or apply to one of our signature exhibits today.
June 19 – August 7, 2021 | Gallery I
Reception: June 18, 6 – 7pm
Juried by or Curated by: Lynn Mehta
An exhibit featuring artwork created by juried artists during Paint It! Ellicott City, an annual plein air paint-out in Ellicott City’s historic district. The juror for this year’s exhibit was award-winning landscape artist Lynn Mehta, who offered remarks and presented juror awards at the virtual reception on June 18.
Want your artwork considered for future exhibits in our galleries? Submit a General Exhibit proposal or apply to one of our signature exhibits today.
August 21 – October 2, 2021 | Gallery II
Reception: September 17, 6 – 8pm
Resiliencia featured artworks by Julia Justo, Dulce Pinzón, and Christine Sloan Stoddard. These artists use interdisciplinary methods to explore social and political concepts through photography, mixed-media, film, and installation.
Want your artwork considered for future exhibits in our galleries? Submit a General Exhibit proposal or apply to one of our signature exhibits today.
August 21 – October 2, 2021 | Gallery I
Reception: September 17, 6 – 8pm
An exhibit featuring large-scale mixed-media sculptures and installations by Marcia Wolfson Ray and Micaela de Vivero. Ray collects wood from local environments to explore concepts of regeneration and the ways that humans are connected, while de Vivero uses soft, malleable, and porous materials to create installations that investigate the relationship between viewers and space.
Want your artwork considered for future exhibits in our galleries? Submit a General Exhibit proposal or apply to one of our signature exhibits today.
October 16 – November 27, 2021 | Gallery II
Reception: October 22, 6 – 8pm
An exhibit featuring photographs and installations by artists Melissa Penley Cormier and Mary McCoy.
Want your artwork considered for future exhibits in our galleries? Submit a General Exhibit proposal or apply to one of our signature exhibits today.
October 16 – November 27, 2021 | Gallery I
Reception: October 22, 6-8pm
A biennial juried exhibit featuring work by Howard County artists. Artist Freda Lee-McCann was the guest juror for Art Howard County 2021. The exhibit included works in a range of media, including drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, and more.
Artists selected for Art Howard County 2021: Trudy Babchak, Cori Bowen, Sarah Brenner, Jonathan Bush, Warren Chambers, Susan Concannon, Caroline Creeden, Patrick Dillon, Kyle Drummond, Diane B. Dunn, Katherine Farrell, Sharon Fuller, Paul Gangemi, Howard Garrett, Kathy Gaudio, Rana Geralis, Jeremy Gibson, Brenda Guardala, Rosemarie Hakim, Douglas Hanewinckel, Daniel Heifetz, Carrie Hill, Donald Hobart, Raissa Howera, Jennifer Hudson, Nishita Jain, Richard Jenkins, Karen Jury, Kwame Kena, Jane Knighton, Charlotte Mann Lee, Ona C. Martin, Bill McCauley, Errol McKinson, Yuriko Mori, Marcia Palmer, Sookkyung Park, Zina Poliszuk, Dave Pumplin, April M. Rimpo, Cynthia Rivarde, Rebecca Rothey, Lisa Scarbath, LiiLii Seniura, Jay Shovan, Joan Tarbell-Plato, Mary Jo Tydlacka, Varada Vaidya, Barbara VanRossum, Siobhan Vicens, Katherine Wah, Karen Winston-Levin, Rebecca Zeligman, and Bonnie Zuckerman.
Want your artwork considered for future exhibits in our galleries? Submit a General Exhibit proposal or apply to one of our signature exhibits today.
December 18 – February 5, 2022 | Gallery II
Reception: January 28, 6pm
This exhibit featured artwork by local artists Stanley Wenocur and Andrew Flanders. Wenocur’s abstract, mixed media works capture the fleeting feelings, emotional struggles, and visual and mental images that people experience. Andrew Flanders, a mixed media sculptor and fabricator, investigates the relationships between craftsmen, the body, and the contraption in his works through utilitarian and abstract dialogues.
Want your artwork considered for future exhibits in our galleries? Submit a General Exhibit proposal or apply to one of our signature exhibits today.
December 18 – February 5, 2022 | Gallery I
Reception: January 28, 6pm
HoCo Open is an annual, non-juried exhibit showcasing local artists. Presented in a salon-style format, this crowd-pleasing show is open to artists of all skill levels who live, work, or study in Howard County.
Want your artwork considered for future exhibits in our galleries? Submit a General Exhibit proposal or apply to one of our signature exhibits today.
February 18 – April 2, 2022 | Gallery II
Reception: March 16, 5 – 7pm
In partnership with Howard County Recreation and Parks’ Department of Therapeutic Recreation and Inclusion Services, this annual exhibit showcased work by youth and adult artists with developmental disabilities, created in the Exploring Art and Focus on Art programs offered by the Department of Therapeutic Recreation and Inclusion Services. In these programs, youth and adults with developmental disabilities have the opportunity to explore a variety of media, styles, and methods of creating art.
The work showcased in this year’s exhibit was created in response to instruction focusing on sensory engagement with participants. Works from the group’s photography club is also included, featuring shots taken by members with their smartphones.
Winning entries and honorable mentions from the Howard County Commission on Disabilities’ ADA30 art contest were showcased in the exhibit. The contest, commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, was open to County residents, with winners selected from four age categories for their artistic rendition and interpretation of the contest’s theme: ADA30. Disability. Equity. Inclusion. One County.
Want your artwork considered for future exhibits in our galleries? Submit a General Exhibit proposal or apply to one of our signature exhibits today.
February 18 – April 2, 2022 | Gallery I
Reception: March 16, 5 – 7pm
Presented through an ongoing partnership between Howard County Public School System and the Arts Council, this year’s Youth Art Month exhibit featured dozens of works by HCPSS students in grades K-12, selected from public school art classes throughout the county. Inspired by the title theme, Discarded: What’s Worth Saving, students created artwork in a variety of styles and media.
Want your artwork considered for future exhibits in our galleries? Submit a General Exhibit proposal or apply to one of our signature exhibits today.