Encouraging Emerging Performing Artists
The Howard County Arts Council established the Rising Star Award in 2003 to provide opportunities for emerging performing artists with roots in Howard County. Each year, we choose up to 10 performing artists to compete for our $5,000 Rising Star award.
Application Currently Closed

About the Rising Star Performing Arts Competition
Eligible performing artists can apply to be among the finalists who will perform at our Celebration of the Arts gala — with the winner voted on by the audience! The competition is open to performers, both individuals and ensembles (up to four members), ages 18-35, who live, train, work, or perform regularly in Howard County or have done so in the past.
Following the finalists’ performances at the gala, the audience — including over 500 artists, arts patrons, community members, and business and political leaders — casts their votes for the winner. Votes are tallied during the live event and the award winner is announced on stage!
Rising Star Application Calendar
How It Works
About the Award
Application Guidelines
Artist Eligibility
How to Apply
Review Process
Review Criteria & Notification
Disbursement of Funds
Past Rising Star Winners
Email deputydirector@hocoarts.org or contact us by phone Monday-Friday from 9:30am-4:30pm at (410) 313-2787.
Celebrating the Power of Poetry and the Spoken Word
On October 24, 2023, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball announced the establishment of a Howard County Poet Laureate, to elevate poetry in the consciousness of Howard County residents and to help celebrate the literary arts. The Howard County Arts Council administers this program in partnership with Howard County Poetry & Literature Society (HoCoPoLitSo).
Application Currently Closed

About the Poet Laureate Grant
The Poet Laureate is an honorary two-year position, in service to the community. The Poet Laureate is formally appointed by the County Executive, acting on a recommendation determined through an artistic panel selection process coordinated by HoCoPoLitSo.
During their term, the Poet Laureate will act as an advocate for poetry, literature, and the arts and contribute to Howard County’s poetic and literary legacy through public readings and participation in civic events.
Howard County Poet Laureate Application Calendar
Howard County Poet Laureate Guidelines
Email grantsandprojects@hocoarts.org or contact us by phone Monday – Friday from 9:30am – 4:30pm at (410) 313-2787.
Creating New Choreography
The Mark Ryder Original Choreography Grant Program recognizes individual creative expression and provides financial assistance to choreographers to create new original work.
Application Currently Closed

About Mark Ryder
Mark Ryder was an established dancer, choreographer, and leader in the dance community. He danced alongside Martha Graham in the 1940s until founding the Dance Drama Duo, later called the Dance Drama Company, with Emily Frankel. Mr. Ryder went on to teach dance in the 1960s at Goddard College in Vermont before becoming chairman of the dance department for two years at University of Maryland, College Park in 1974, and retired from teaching in 1988. After moving to Howard County in 1975, Mr. Ryder also became very involved in choreographing local productions in his community. He passed away in July 2006 and is survived by his wife and family who wish to honor his legacy by offering an annual competitive grant award in the minimum amount of $500 to choreographers through the Howard County Arts Council. Mr. Ryder believed individual expression is the most important part of the creative process for both choreographer and dancer and that more is learned through being a part of the process and actively participating in it than by simply being taught the movements or viewing the final product.
Mark Ryder Choreography Award Application Calendar
Mark Ryder Choreography Award Guidelines – FY2025
Email grantsandprojects@hocoarts.org or contact us by phone Monday-Friday from 9:30am-4:30pm at (410) 313-2787.
Supporting Artists and Diverse Artistic Expressions
The Individual Artist Merit and Creativity (IAM Creativity) Award is a merit-based program designed to recognize, uplift, and celebrate Howard County artists and diverse art expressions and disciplines.
Application Currently Closed

About the IAM Creativity Grant
IAM Creativity supports artists, 18 years of age and older, living in Howard County. Applications are evaluated by an independent panel of artists and/or arts professionals with expertise and perspectives in each of the disciplines being considered.
IAM Creativity provides unrestricted funds to support the creative work of Howard County artists and recognize excellence in a broad spectrum of artistic practices, backgrounds, and disciplines. The program accepts applications in two disciplines each year and will provide awards in seven different artistic disciplines over the next four years: dance, film, folk and traditional arts, literary arts, music, theatre, and visual arts.
Each year, a maximum of four awards, including one $5,000 and three $1,000 awards, will be awarded in two (2) disciplines.
IAM Creativity Discipline Application Schedule
IAM Creativity Application Calendar
IAM Creativity Guidelines
IAM Creativity Info Session
Email us at iamcreativity@hocoarts.org or contact us by phone Monday – Friday from 9:30am – 4:30pm at (410) 313-2787.