Ensuring a Bright Futures for the Arts
Are you a college-bound high school senior planning to pursue a career in the arts? Apply for our Arts Scholarship! We typically award a minimum of $10,000 in total scholarship funds each year.
Applications Currently Closed!

About Art Scholarships
The Arts Scholarship program provides opportunities for emerging artists to study, develop, and practice their art. The goals of the program are to encourage students to pursue a career in the arts, and to assist students with tuition costs and fees. Scholarships must be used to enroll in an accredited college program for a degree in the arts. To be considered, you’ll need two recommendations from a teacher or professional artist familiar with your artistic work. In 2024, scholarships were awarded in Music, Theatre, Literature, Visual Art, and Dance.
The FY25 Scholarship application period closed on January 24, 2025.
Art Scholarship Application Calendar
Email grantsandprojects@hocoarts.org or contact us by phone Monday-Friday from 9:30am-4:30pm at (410) 313-2787.
Encouraging Emerging Performing Artists
The Howard County Arts Council established the Rising Star Award in 2003 to provide opportunities for emerging performing artists with roots in Howard County. Each year, we choose up to 10 performing artists to compete for our $5,000 Rising Star award.
Application Currently Closed

About the Rising Star Performing Arts Competition
Eligible performing artists can apply to be among the finalists who will perform at our Celebration of the Arts gala — with the winner voted on by the audience! The competition is open to performers, both individuals and ensembles (up to four members), ages 18-35, who live, train, work, or perform regularly in Howard County or have done so in the past.
Following the finalists’ performances at the gala, the audience — including over 500 artists, arts patrons, community members, and business and political leaders — casts their votes for the winner. Votes are tallied during the live event and the award winner is announced on stage!
Rising Star Application Calendar
How It Works
About the Award
Application Guidelines
Artist Eligibility
How to Apply
Review Process
Review Criteria & Notification
Disbursement of Funds
Past Rising Star Winners
Email deputydirector@hocoarts.org or contact us by phone Monday-Friday from 9:30am-4:30pm at (410) 313-2787.
Amplifying the Voices of Youth Poets
The Howard County Youth Poet Laureate program is a new venture in partnership with the Office of County Executive Calvin Ball, the Howard County Arts Council, and the Howard County Poetry & Literature Society (HoCoPoLitSo). The program will help amplify the power of youth expression, celebrate community, and promote literary arts in Howard County.

About the Youth Poet Laureate Grant
The Youth Poet Laureate, an honorary one-year position formally appointed by the County Executive, will act as an ambassador for literacy, arts, and youth expression. They will demonstrate a passion for poetry and its power to connect our communities through local public readings and participation in civic events. Along with the official title, the Youth Poet Laureate will serve from August through June and will receive an honorarium of $500 paid in two equal installments of $250 at the beginning and end of their term. The Howard County Arts Council administers this program in partnership with Howard County Poetry & Literature Society (HoCoPoLitSo).
Youth Poet Laureate Application Calendar
Youth Poet Laureate Guidelines
Email grantsandprojects@hocoarts.org or contact us by phone Monday-Friday from 9:30am-4:30pm at (410) 313-2787.