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Help us fill our Celebration Raffle baskets!

Do you own a local business or are you a part of a local arts organization or nonprofit and are looking for ways to support the arts in Howard County? Donate to the Celebration Raffle and be a part of Howard County’s signature arts events!

Over the last 26 years, the Celebration has generated more than $1.8 million – all of which has been reinvested in the community to advance the arts – and the raffle is an integral part of this event. It’s also an incredible opportunity for businesses and organizations like yours to connect with the community. Each year, more than 400 guests attend the event in addition to over 50 hard-working volunteers and staff. Raffle baskets along with a complete list of donors are displayed prominently in the event hall. Raffle donors are also listed in the event program and select items will be promoted on HoCo Arts social media and e-news.

Celebration of the Arts 2022 Raffle (HoCo Arts photo)
Two raffle backets tied up in cellophane on table with signs and a football.

How It Works

It is so easy! Complete and submit the online Celebration Raffle Donation form linked below and a committee member or HoCo Arts staff will contact you, if needed, to arrange for donation drop off or pick up. Raffle donations are due October 1.